Roofing price per square overview
Roofing Price Per Square
Roofing Price Per Square Overview
Price per square was a stand alone program. Now it is integrated into RoofCalcwriter. Price Per Square eliminates the job by job tedious task of costing out job cost details to determine how much to charge per square. Change just 1 number or click 1 Option Button and all the prices per square are instantly updated. Once your prices are entered and saved all that is needed is to click on a few selections and your price per square is calculated.
Add your number of squares and a total price is produced.
Every price per square can be broken down as follows:
Labor per square + Material per square + Overhead per square + Profit per square = Total Price Per Square
After you have entered your prices the following items are program calculated:
Roof Materials
8 different types of roof coverings
8 different felts
Sales Tax
Roof Removal
Remove 1 layer on 6 different pitches from Flat to 4/12 to over 8/12
Remove 2 layers on 5 different pitches from Flat to 4/12 to over 8/12
Remove 3 layers on 5 different pitches from Flat to 4/12 to over 8/12
Remove Over 3 layers on 5 different pitches from Flat to 4/12 to over 8/12
Roof Labor
Lay roofing on 6 different pitches from Flat to over 8/12
Lay plywood-OSB on 6 different pitches from Flat to over 8/12
Roof Other
3 different levels of profit
Sales tax (If applicatible)
Roof CleanupL