Roof Restoration
Cement Tile Roof Restoration Process
With over 15 years experience in cement tile roof restoration, restoring iron and terracotta roof tiles, on the roof has developed a detailed seven stage restoration process. Leaving your old tired roof looking like new at a fraction of the replacement cost. With over 32 available colours and a 10 year manufacturers guarantee you can rest assured you roof has been restored to the highest possible standard.
Firstly we replace all broken, cracked, chipped and defective tiles. This is done to ensure your roof is watertight prior to the roof cleaning.
We then high pressure clean your complete roof. Once all the tiles and ridge caps have been thoroughly cleaned we carry out a final rinse of your roof, gutters and entire premises.

Roof Repairs
Now the roof cleaning is complete we undertake the roof repairs. Beginning with the rebedding of your ridge caps. This is the process where the ridge caps are lifted, all the old cement fully removed and a new bed of sand and cement laid.
Roofing App
A second layer of flexible pointing compound is applied by trowel over the bed of sand and cement. Originally a sand and cement mortar mix was used for pointing, though over time any roof movement would result in the pointing cracking. A new innovation called flexipoint dramatically minimizes any cracking resulting from expansion and contracting.
Roof Cleaning
Once the roof cleaning and repairs are complete, a fungicide is applied to the roof tiles. This kills any remaining spores within the tiles and prevents any future moss and lichen growth. This is undertaken prior to the commencement of the roof painting.
Roof Sealing
Depending on the age and condition of your roof tiles, either a water based primer or enamel sealer is sprayed onto the roof tiles. This is essential in preparation for the application of the roof membrane. An appropriate sealer or primer must be used in the roof painting process.
Roof Coating
The final process of the roof restoration is the membrane application. Two coats of roofing membrane are applied to the complete roof surface. This leaves the old porous tiles waterproof and looking like new again. All roof restorations come with a full ten year guarantee. As you can see it’s more than just roof painting but a full roof restoration.