Roof Knife Blades used to Cut Composition Shingles
Roofers Knife Blades
Roofers Knife (Used for blades with a square hole)
Knife blades used when installing composition shingles
(Cut shingles from the smooth back side)
All blades last longer when cut from the back side of shingles
Bowtie Blade: Used when shingle are cold, also used on thicker shingles that have granules on both sides Requires a roofers knife handle.(Notice the square hole in the blade)
Hook Blade: Used mainly when shingle are warm. Also comes with a square hole in the blade
Utility Blade: Not recommended for cutting shingles. Best for cutting roofing felts (tar paper)
- Warm shingles are easier to cut
- Shingles cut from the granulated side dull blades quickly
- Cut shingles from the back side
- Set unused cut shingles on the roof back side up (granule side facing roof) prevents sticking (Not stacked)
- When cutting many installed shingles use an electric saw