Roof Shingles

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt Roofing Shingles

Asphalt shingles have been around more than 100 years and are the most common roof covering material used in the United States. In fact, around 75% of residential homes are covered in asphalt shingles in the U.S. Asphalt shingles are cheaper than most other alternative roofing materials and are readily available in a variety of sizes, styles and colors. Recycled material asphalt shingles can even be purchased if you would like to make your home more environmentally friendly. 

Asphalt shingles are durable, yet easy to repair. When coming across a loose or missing shingle, simply bend up the shingle above it. Then remove the nails holding the loose or damaged shingle, and slide the scraps out. Slide and nail the new shingle in, then glue the raised shingles back down. Although asphalt shingles have a shorter lifespan than alternative, more expensive materials their lower cost makes them attractive.

Asphalt Shingle Roofing Contractors

If you’re a homeowner looking to install a new roof, chances are you are in the market for asphalt shingles. Their affordability and wide selection have made them one of the most popular and widely used roofing materials installed today. So popular that 4 out of 5 homes have asphalt shingles installed.  So why are these shingles in such high demand?

  • Asphalt shingle roofing offers great performance in all climates and even extreme weather conditions
  • Their affordability is unmatched.
  • Professionally installed asphalt shingles require little to no maintenance and are easily repaired if damaged.
  • Boasts impressive fire and wind resistance.

about asphalt shingles

Replacing an Old Roof with Asphalt Shingles

It is inevitable that every roof will one day have to be replaced. If your current roof is 15-20 years old it is a prime candidate for roof replacement. No need to worry though,  many homeowners insurance plans can help cover the price. Filing roofing insurance claims is highly recommended in instances where your roof has suffered damage over time be it from wind, hail, or any other force of nature. In many cases roofing contractors can apply new shingles over your old shingles.  Doubling the strength of your roof. However, if your roof is damaged or warped in any way this may not be an option. Contact us to have an experienced asphalt shingle roofing contractor come to your home and offer advice on your best options.

Types of Asphalt Shingles

Glass Fiber

This type of shingle is composed of a fiberglass mat that has a mineral filler coating to make it waterproof. Because of this, glass fiber shingles weigh considerably less than organic shingles. After the mineral filler is applied ceramic granules are used to coat the shingle and protect it from the sun. Glass fiber asphalt shingles are cheaper than their organic counterparts and are more widely used.

Organic Fiber

This type of shingle is made out of an organic mat coated in asphalt. The asphalt provides waterproofing as well as UV protection from the sun. This type of shingle is considerably more heavy than its glass fiber counterpart. Perhaps the weight and the cost increase sways homeowners to go with glass over organic. However, this added weight gives organic shingles a much higher wind resistance. In areas where high winds are a frequent occurrence, organic fiber shingles are highly recommended.

Asphalt Shingles Prices

The cost of asphalt shingle roofing  is very competitive when compared to other roofing material options. Their durability and low price make them a great value for any roofing job. There are many factors taken into consideration to determine cost such as: asphalt shingle color, thickness and fire rating. Keep in mind that the thicker the shingle, the longer it will last. Our roof installers will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding installing a new asphalt shingle roof.

Asphalt Shingle Roof Cost

Asphalt shingles, also known as composite or composition shingles, are probably the most common type of residential roofing installed, due to low cost, ease of installation, and their ability to be installed in a wide variety of climates. They also come in many colors and fire ratings, depending on your specific needs. Asphalt shingles are available in two types: organic and fiberglass. Organic shingles contain around 40% more asphalt than fiberglass shingles, which makes them slightly less environmentally friendly. Organic shingles, because they are paper-based, also are not as fire-resistant as fiberglass shingles, with their highest FM rating for fire being a B. On the other hand, fiberglass shingles typically have a class “A” fire rating, and are waterproof. For this reason, fiberglass shingles are quickly outpacing organic shingles when it comes to the number of homes installing each in the past several years.

On average, an asphalt shingle roof installed  Roofing Contractor will cost somewhere between $5.00 and $9.50 per square foot. Again, these prices can vary depending on the square footage of your home, pitch of your roof and other factors, but this is a good number to use for budgetary purposes. As you can see, the cost of asphalt shingle roofing compares very favorably to other types of roofing. When you need something that is fairly simple and is an economical roofing option, asphalt shingles are a great choice.


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