About Roof Calc Writer

About Roof Calc Writer

We have added many new features and the RoofCalcWriter program is still easy to use. Just type in the numbers from your estimate sheet. As you enter your numbers, all your materials as well as your total price are updated automatically.

Take a look at the Roof Calculator program, you will not see a lot of confusing buttons and menu choices. The main purpose for this, is to make easy. Just like using a calculator. After entering your information, just click on save and your estimate will be will be saved under customer-lastname-address or company name-job address. This makes finding a estimate easy

A lot of little things are incorporated to prevent mistakes. Such as, the boxes numbers where numbers are entered will only accept the following : “Numbers”, “Decimal (.)” and the “Minus Sign(-)”

RoofCalcWriter is a stand alone program, no need for any other programs, like (Excel, Access, etc)
Works with all windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8

Easy setup and installation

No floppy disks or cd’s needed. Just download and go. No unzipping program needed, just click and follow instructions. Download size 11,669 KB Installed size 15,728 KB. The evaluation copy is free to use 8 times.

After loading 8 times it will have to be registered.No zipping program needed, just click and follow instructions.

System Requirements
Download size Installed size 15,728 KB. The evaluation copy is free to use 8 times. After loading 8 times it will have to be registered.

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